Your canopy: a beacon of light in the dark

Enhance the appeal of your canopy with LED contour and canopy lighting and create a beacon in the dark.

When customers are able to choose between a clean, professional and brightly lit petrol station, and an old patrol station with broken lights and dark corners, they almost always opt for the former if price is not a decisive factor. This will not come as a surprise to you. Nonetheless, many petrol stations still fall into the second category. “Many petrol stations date from the ’90s and still feature a standard package of canopy and terrain lighting”, explains Hugo Jongebreur, Commercial Director BeNeLux at Bever Innovations, Fuel division. “This lighting is yellow in colour and tends to be widely dispersed. Fixtures often consume a lot of energy, while offering little light output. In addition, most bulbs have a short life span. This means a lot of maintenance is needed to avoid fused bulbs and dark corners.”

Inviting and safe

If you want to distinguish your petrol station from the many others out there, replacing conventional lighting with LED can be an important first step, believes Jongebreur. “LED lighting not only offers a long life span, high colour fidelity and uniform light, but can also be perfectly regulated. The lighting easily lasts 18 years. And because the light is much brighter than conventional lighting, people, cars, pumps and other objects can be seen in daylight conditions at all times. Poorly lit price displays and dark corners are no longer an issue, which makes customers feel safer and more welcome.” Also early in the morning, in the evening and late at night.”

No light pollution

Whereas conventional fixtures tend to disperse light, Bever’s LED fixtures are very specific and shine downwards in a single beam. This helps to keep light dispersion and light pollution to a minimum, and creates a beacon in the dark. “Intelligent dimming options also make sure that suitable light intensity is used at all times.”

Intelligent dimming

Whereas conventional lighting operates at full power 12 hours a day, Bever’s LED lighting automatically dims to a third of its lighting capacity in the absence of customers. This is particularly helpful when there is minimal activity at the station, primarily between 00:00 and 06:00 o’clock. Jongebreur adds, “As soon as motion is detected, the fixtures switch on automatically and gradually intensify to a certain level of lighting. This enables safe, comfortable refuelling after dark with minimal energy consumption. Savings of up to 90% are not uncommon. In addition, considerable savings can also be made in maintenance costs, while also improving custom. So it’s a win-win situation.”