Let’s meet at ReFuelForum Africa


1-2 November, Cape Town Bever Innovations’ Thibaud will be attending the exclusive ReFuelForum Africa. The event is heading back to Cape Town, bringing leading national oil companies and emerging fuel …

forecourttech 2022

We are attending: forecourttech ’22


On the 18th and 19th of October, a delegation of Bever Innovations’ sales team will attend the 2022 forecourttech convention in Spain: Erwin Dingemanse and Gijs de Koning will be attending the event. ‘Let’s exchange ideas …

From simulation to installation


Pacific Energy recently built the new Shell Victoire site in Nouméa (New Caledonia). The new canopy has a smart and futuristic design. Bever Innovations supplied 18 Ambiente XL EOS2 luminaires. …

Meet us at UNITI expo 2022

Bever Innovations

LEDs connect at UNITI expo 2022. Come and meet us at the Bever Innovations stand if you would like to see our newest innovations and connected technology. UNITI expo is the leading European trade …

NCM Servicios introduces LS downlights in Argentina

Bever Innovations

Source: Bever Innovations’ partner NCM Servicios interview with website Surtidores (online portal for service stations in Argentina)Weblink: https://surtidores.com.ar/presentan-un-sistema-de-luminarias-para-estaciones-de-servicio-que-prolonga-su-vida-util-hasta-20-anos/ NCM Servicios introduces a luminaire system for service stations that extends their …

Petrol stations: well lit, safely lit


Plenty of petrol stations in the Netherlands are still struggling with defective lighting. The light level is inadequate and luminaries frequently fail, resulting in dark corners, a diminished sense of …